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Introduction - Aerospike REST Gateway

Use the Aerospike REST Gateway to communicate with an Aerospike Cluster via RESTful requests.

The REST Gateway is a Java application which can be built into a .jar file or a Docker image.


The REST Gateway was previously referred to as the REST Client.


This example imports utilizes the Python Requests Library to create, update and delete a record via the REST Gateway.

import requests

REST_BASE = 'http://localhost:8080/v1'

# Components of the Key
namespace = 'test'
setname = 'users'
userkey = 'bob'

record_uri = '{base}/{ns}/{setname}/{userkey}'.format(
base=KVS_ENDPOINT, ns=namespace, setname=setname, userkey=userkey)

# The content to be stored into Aerospike.
bins = {
'name': 'Bob',
'id': 123,
'color': 'Purple',
'languages': ['Python', 'Java', 'C'],

# Store the record
res =, json=bins)

# Get the record
# It is a map: {
# 'bins': {},
# 'generation': #,
# 'ttl': #
# }
response = requests.get(record_uri)
print("*** The Original Record ***")

# Change the value of the 'color' bin
update_bins = {'color': 'Orange'}
requests.patch(record_uri, json=update_bins)

# Get the updated Record. Only the 'color' bin has changed
response = requests.get(record_uri)
print("*** The updated Record ***")

# Replace the record with a new version
replacement_bins = {'single': 'bin'}
requests.put(record_uri, json=replacement_bins)

# Get the new Record.
response = requests.get(record_uri)
print("*** The Replaced Record ***")

# Delete the record.
response = requests.delete(record_uri)

# Try to get the deleted . We will receive a 404.
response = requests.get(record_uri)

print('*** The response code for a GET on a non existent record is {} ***'.format(response.status_code))

# The response also includes a JSON error object
print("*** The Error object is: ***")