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Lua UDF Example – Simple Statistics

The following example calculates some simple statistics on the records it is passed. The function add_stat_ops() is a Stream-definition UDF, that adds aggregate() and reduce() operations to a stream to create an augmented stream. The aggregate() operation is provided an initial state (represented as a map) for the aggregate_stats function. The reduce() operation will use the reduce_stats function to perform the reduction.

function add_stat_ops(stream)
return stream :
aggregate(map{count = 0, total = 0, sumsqs = 0,
min = nil, max = nil}, agggregate_stats) :

The agggregate_stats() function will aggregate a set of statistics for each record:

local function agggregate_stats(out, rec)
local val = rec['price']
out['total'] = out['total'] + (val or 0)
out['count'] = out['count'] + ((val and 1 ) or 0)
out['sumsqs'] = out['sumsqs'] + (val ^ 2)
out['min'] = (not out['min'] and val) or
(out['min'] and val < out['min'] and val) or
out['max'] = (not out['max] and val) or
(out['max'] and val > out['max'] and val) or
return out

The reduce_stats() function will reduce multiple sets of statistics into a single set of statistics.

local function reduce_stats(a, b)
local out = map()
out['total'] = a['total'] + b['total']
out['count'] = a['count'] + b['count']
out['sumsqs'] = a['sumsqs'] + b['sumsqs']
out['min'] = (a['min'] > b['min'] and b['min']) or a['min']
out['max'] = (a['max'] < b['max'] and b['max']) or a['max']
out['mean'] = out['total'] / out['count']
out['stddev'] = math.sqrt(out['count'] + out['total'] +
return out